Self-Service Training Data Records FAQ

Self-Service Training Data Reports enables anyone requiring up-to-date training data to produce their own bespoke reports and analysis. Two different reports are available - Uptake and Compliance. Reports include data from CoSy, the University’s Training Management system, MetaCompliance and LinkedIn Learning, combined with various ‘people datasets' (HR, CUD and SITS).  

If your question is not answered below, or elsewhere on our web pages, please contact CoSy Support via our form. We will add more FAQs as they come up.  

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Whether you are given access – and the level of access you are given – will depend on the data reporting responsibilities of your role.

If you belong to any of these groups:   

  • Departmental HR admins 
  • Divisional HR admins 
  • Central UAS admins 
  • Departmental admin 
  • Divisional admins 
  • Athena Swan coordinators 
  • Training providers 
  • Information Compliance Team  

…and your role means that you currently report on the following types of data:

  • a complete training record for everyone in a department, or a division, for a specific time period 
  • training records for an individual, or for everyone in a department or a division, who has completed a specific course during a specific time period 
  • headline figures for University staff who have completed a mandatory training course 
  • training data for a department combined with detail about trainees’ roles 
  • training data for a department combined with detail about trainees’ gender, year of study, academic course, etc. 
  • headline figures for an FOI request about University members who have completed a specific course, for example, Implicit Bias training 

  …then it is likely that you will need - and be given - access to self-service training data reports. 

Please complete a service request for the type of report you need (Uptake or Compliance). For guidance about completing the request see our short guide.

The reports are viewed through a web browser in an application called Power BI. Guidance about how to access Power BI is on our guidance and help page.

All training data that is held centrally on CoSy and the Linkedin Learning platforms plus ‘people’ data from the following sources: HR, CUD and SITS. Role-level access means that you will be able to see only the data that your role requires you to see.

Only learners who have records in CoSy and LinkedIn Learning will appear in this data. 

The retention period for the training data is five years (year starting 1 Aug).  

The data is stored in a central data warehouse and in a Power BI dataset. Whilst the data is combined in a data warehouse it is provided to users via Power BI.

The way that the data is processed and presented means that you will be able to use it in whatever way suits your reporting needs. Its flexibility means that you may analyse it and create dashboards and reports in your preferred formats, using your preferred software and processes. You may also combine it with data you already hold, for example to create your own exceptions reports using your own staff/student lists. The IT Learning Centre offers a range of courses and resources to help you use Excel.  

The data file you receive will show source data that was received by the data warehouse at the time of its last update. This occurs every night.   

This does not guarantee the data is up-to-date, as the data warehouse can only produce data that has been made available to it, and data management and recording practices vary within each of the systems involved. 

This applies to data quality too. Quality is the responsibility of each data owner. The IT Learning Centre makes available to training providers guidance on data management best practices, and that includes ensuring, as far as possible, that data is of good quality and up-to-date. If you do have concerns about accuracy, you will need to contact the relevant data owner or training provider.

The data is collated from internal staff and student data systems and the external training systems (CoSy and Linkedin Learning), all of which have their own processes and security.

All data from source systems follow the university's policies on information security and GDPR.
Note: Any users of this data must also be compliant with these processes.  Please visit the relevant University web pages if you are unsure.

 The data warehouse will store training records for five years (year start 1 Aug).

No; each time you require a report you will need to access the system yourself.  

No; we make the data available, but export, analysis and reporting is now completely self-service. If you get stuck, or you need more information about any aspect of the new service, please contact CoSy Support via our form

Once you have completed a service request and it has been approved by your departmental administrator, please allow two working days to be granted access.

If you are changing role, or moving to another department, please complete a service request to remove your access to the data. 

Some people belong to more than one department and so have more than one HR record. You will need to remove duplicates when you analyse your data.

When we set up your access to Power Bi and the data service you will receive an automated welcome email generated by Microsoft. Please ignore this message.

Yes, you can access both reports if you have a legitimate need to use them.

The Uptake report shows who has booked or completed a course, while the Compliance report tells who in your department or college has and hasn't completed a set of compliance-related training courses. 

The Compliance report has been introduced to resolve the 'negative reporting' issue. This means you can now find out who hasn't completed specific training courses, making department compliance checks easier and quicker.

14/06/24 - The Oxford Secure course is now live and available to report on in the Compliance Report.  The course can be filtered using the Training Provider 'MetaCompliance' and/or the Training Course Name "Information Security and Data Protection Course".  The course and training provider are also available to report on in the Uptake reports.

NB. Last year's 'Information Security and Data Privacy Awareness - 2023/24' course can also be filtered using the training provider  'MetaCompliance' in the Compliance General and Uptake reports.