Uptake Training Data Reporting

The Uptake report uses training data from Cosy and MetaCompliance to allow you to view who has booked or completed a course. LinkedIn Learning training data (up to 31 July 2024) is also available. Please note that it does not show who has not booked or completed a course. If you need a report to see who has not booked training, we recommend checking out the compliance training data report instead.

What data is available? 

There are three different versions of the Uptake report available in Power BI through the "Apps" section of the application. The version you can access depends on your role and training data reporting responsibilities:

  • The Standard App is the default version and is given to most administrators who request access to training data records.
  • The Enhanced App is for those who require equality data such as gender for reporting.
  • The Training Provider App is for training administrators.  It shows University members who have booked the courses provided by the specific training provider. This report has more detail than the reporting available within the training management systems.

What reports are available?

Each App has two different reports available: the 'Current Affiliations' report and the 'Historical Affiliations' report. The 'Current Affiliations' report shows the training data associated with an individual's present department/s.  

If an individual has multiple affiliations, an administrator from each affiliation will be able to see the individual in their department's data. The 'Historical Affiliations' report allows you to view any training linked to an individual's previously affiliated department/s. If an individual has no previous departments, only the current information will be displayed. 

Requesting Access

You will need to complete a Service Request to gain access to these reports. Please read our guidance on completing this.

Getting Help

  • Please check these web pages for help with these specific reports, including the FAQs about accessing this service and Help and Guidance using this service
  • If you have a question about a specific course, or if the data you require is not available, please contact the relevant training provider
  • For general help with Power BI please refer to the service catalogue. Note the IT Learning Centre does not manage the Power BI service.
  • If you still need support, contact CoSy Support us via our form

Guidance for Training Providers

If you are a training provider please see our best practice guide about data management.

Fields Available

Below is a list of the fields available in the Uptake report:


    Data Field Standard App Enhanced App Training Provider App
    Full Name       
    First Name       
    Last Name      
    University Card      
    Person Number      
    Department Name      
    Division Code      
    Sex* X    
    Staff or Student       
    Staff- Post Category      
    Staff- Post Category Description      
    Staff- Post Sub Category      
    Staff - Post Sub Cat Description      
    Staff - Employee Status Description      
    Staff - Job Title Full      
    Line Manager/Supervisor X X X
    Team/Group X X X
    Student - Award Program Type Name      
    University Start Date      
    Post Start Date      
    Post End Date      
    Location (Staff)      
    Training Course Name      
    Training Provider      
    Course Duration      
    Duration Type       
    Delegate Status      
    Date Course Booked      
    Course Start Date       
    Course End Date       
    Delivery Method      
    eLearning Score      
    LinkedIn Learning Seconds Viewed **     X
    LinkedIn Learning Percentage Complete     X


*The Sex field in the report is sourced from both PeopleXD and SITS systems. However, these systems code the attributes differently. PeopleXD uses Male, Female, Blank, and Unknown to represent the sex of an individual. SITS uses Man, Woman, Not Recorded, and I use another term.

Export your data to Excel and use tools in Excel to harmonise these terms if required,


** Linkedin Learning data up 31st July 2024.is available.