Bibliographical tools - Find and use databases in your subject area (Toolkit Activity)

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Bibliographical databases allow you to search for papers on your research topic across a range of journals and other resources. These tasks will guide you through databases and citation indexes specific to your subject area. Choose the task that best suits you. Note that some databases may be useful for more than one subject area – for example English could benefit from both Humanities and Modern Languages databases.

You can try these tasks on your own, although they were designed to be done in a classroom with a teacher to support you. For these tasks, you will need web browser software such as Mozilla Firefox or Edge installed on your computer. Talk to your IT support person about this.


Download the task instructions for your area of interest:


Archaeology and Classics - Dyabola
English and Modern Languages - MLA and Arts & Humanities Citation Index
History - Historical Abstracts and Bibliography of British and Irish History
History - Newspapers
Philosophy - Bibliographies
Philosophy - Oxford bibliographies
Philosophy - Past Masters
Theology - Bibliographies
Theology - EBSCO and ATLA
Theology - Past Masters

Maths, Physical and Life Sciences

Chemistry & Materials
Engineering & computer science
Maths & physics
Plant sciences
Web of Science

Medical Sciences

Medical Sciences – Scopus
Psychology – PsycINFO

Social Sciences

Proquest Dissertations and Theses

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