Humanities: Oxford Bibliographies On-Line, OBO (Toolkit Activity)

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Bibliographical databases are the best tools for identifying content in a subject area or by an individual. In this task you explore a modular, subject-based bibliographical database, Oxford Bibliographies On-Line.

OBO is different from most bibliographical databases, because its content has been selected by an academic panel, so you are guided to the best available scholarship across a wide variety of subjects. It covers classic and up-to-date monographs, collections, datasets, articles and web-sites. Each article includes an introduction written by a top scholar in the field.

This task will give you a flavour of how OBO might be used in your research. You can try this task on your own, although it was designed to be done in a classroom with a teacher to support you.

You will need a web browser installed on your computer. Talk to your IT support person about this.




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