Self-Service Training Data - Finding your report

Finding your report

Please note that in Power BI, reports are called "Apps" which need to be installed

  1. Log into your Nexus 365 account with your Single Sign On.
  2. Access Power BI. You can do this by using the waffle and selecting Power BI from the list of apps.
  3. When you open Power BI, you may see the report you have requested in a list of items. If you see it, click on the report to start using it.
  4. If the report (app) you have requested is not in the list, select Apps in the left-hand menu
  5. From the upper right corner of the page, select Get Apps
  6. The Power BI apps marketplace will open.
  7. Select the Organizational Apps tab.
  8. Select the Training Data Report (app) that you have requested.
  9. Select Get it Now to install the app.
  10. A message will appear to say that your app is being built.
  11. The report (app) will then open.