Compliance Training Report - Titles

There are two Compliance Reports: the General Compliance Report and the Safety Compliance Training Report, which contain a subset of courses from CoSy and MetaCompliance.

If you think a course is missing, please complete the Service Request: "Self-Service Compliance Training Data - Add/Remove Course" with details, and we will review and add to the report if appropriate.  Note: if you require access to see the data for your department, please use the appropriate service request.

Mandatory training policy 

Please note that, apart from the Information Security and Data Privacy training, which is mandated at a University-level by Council, each department will have local policies which determine the mandated courses in their department and how frequently they should be completed. This service provides the data that allows a department to check and follow up with members of their department based on their local training policies. 

General Report

Please note that some courses are listed twice as they have been managed by different training providers in CoSy over time.

Course Title   Course Cose
Action Counters Terrorism   SSVSE001
Anti Bribery & Corruption: Managing the Risk   COCOE010
Avoiding Plagiarism   EPICE018
Challenging behaviour: dealing with bullying and harassment in the workplace   TOLIECHALB
Challenging behaviour: dealing with bullying and harassment in the workplace   COCOEDUCB
Conflicts of Interest: Identifying interests and making declarations   COCOE008
Conflicts of Interest: Managing Declarations and Conflicts   COCOE009
Consent for Students   SWSSE001
Cultural Awareness   TOLIECULAW
Equality and diversity briefing   TOLIEEQUDI
Equality and diversity briefing   COCOEDUEDB
Implicit bias in the workplace   COCOEDUIB
Implicit bias in the workplace   TOLIEIMPLB
Information Security and Data Privacy Awareness   COCOINFOSD
Information Security and Data Privacy Awareness - 2019/20   COCOINFOS2
Information Security and Data Privacy Awareness - 2020/21   COCOINFOS3
Information Security and Data Privacy Awareness - 2021/22   COCOINFOS4
Information Security and Data Privacy Awareness - 2023/24   COCOINFOS5
Recruitment and Selection   COCOPSRS
Recruitment and Selection for Chairs of panels and members   RECRUIqpXe
Research Integrity: Introductory Core Course   EPICE001
Research Integrity: Good Research Conduct (Refresher)   EPICE021
Tackling race bias at work   COCOEDUR
Tackling race bias at work   TOLIERACAW
Understanding the Prevent Duty in its context   PACSE001


Safety Training Course Reporting

Course Title Course Code
Asbestos Awareness SAFE00033
Asbestos Awareness - Webinar SAFEW00033
Biological Safety & Genetic Modification, an Introduction SAFE00002
Biological Safety & Genetic Modification, an Introduction (Webinar) SAFEW00002
Carriage of Diagnostic & Infectious Substances by Air SAFE00016
Carriage of Diagnostic & Infectious Substances by Air - Webinar SAFEW00016
Chemical Safety & COSHH SAFE00003
Chemical Safety & COSHH - Webinar SAFEW00003
Compressed Gas Safety SAFE00004
Compressed Gas Safety - E-Learning SAFEEL0004
Construction Design and Management SAFE00043
Coping with Challenging Behaviour SAFE00005
Core of Knowledge: Basic Radiation Protection for Ionising Radiation Hazards SAFEW00047
Cryogenics, Safe Use - E-Learning SAFEEL0013
Dangerous Goods Awareness - Webinar SAFEW00044
Dangerous Goods Security Awareness - Webinar SAFEW00039
Departmental Safety Officers' Induction  - Module 1 - Health and Safety Management - Webinar SAFEW00021
Departmental Safety Officers' Induction - Module 1 - Health & Safety Management SAFE00021
Departmental Safety Officers' Induction - Module 2 - Identifying Gaps SAFE00022
Departmental Safety Officers' Induction - Module 2 - Identifying Gaps - Webinar SAFEW00022
Departmental Safety Officers' Induction - Module 3 -  Specialist Topics SAFE00023
Departmental Safety Officers' Induction - Module 3 -  Specialist Topics - Webinar SAFEW00023
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessors' SAFE00025
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessors' - Webinar SAFEW00025
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Coordinators' SAFE00026
Emergency First Aid at Work Refresher - E-Learning SAFEEL0008
Emergency First Aid for Fieldworkers SAFE00006
Environmental Management - Environmental Risk and Compliance - Part 1 - Webinar SAFEW00040
Environmental Management - Environmental Risk and Compliance - Part 2 - Webinar SAFEW00041
Environmental Management - Risk and Compliance - Part 1 - Classroom SAFE00040
Environmental Management - Risk and Compliance - Part 2 - Classroom SAFE00041
Fieldwork Planning & Supervision SAFE00027
Fieldwork Safety Overseas SAFE00001
Fieldwork Safety Overseas - Webinar SAFEW00043
Fieldwork Supervisors Training; Core Module: Safe Fieldwork & Overseas Travel - E-Learning SAFEEL0026
Fire Awareness - E-Learning SAFEEL0016
Fire Warden - Webinar   SAFEW00007
Fire Warden & Fire Practical   SAFE00007
First Aid at Work - Classroom teaching   SAFE00039
First Aid at Work Refresher - E-Learning SAFEEL0007
Hand/Arm Awareness - E-Learning   SAFEEL0017
Health and Safety Training for Managers & Supervisors - E-Learning     SAFEEL0010
IRIS - DSO Review - E-Learning SAFEEL0024
IRIS - Further Actions - E-Learning SAFEEL0023
IRIS - Investigations - E-Learning SAFEEL0020
IRIS - Reportable Classifications - E-Learning SAFEEL0025
IRIS - Reporting an Incident - E-Learning SAFEEL0021
IRIS - Reports & Searches - E-Learning   SAFEEL0022 SAFEEL0022
Ladder Safety - E-Learning SAFEEL0015
Laser Safety for Research Supervisors SAFE00028
Laser Safety, Introduction SAFE00008
Laser Safety, Introduction - Webinar SAFEW00008
Laser Supervisor (Laser Safety Management) SAFE00017
Manual Handling Awareness - E-Learning SAFEEL0009
Manual Handling Risk Assessment   SAFE00010
Manual Handling Risk Assessment - (Webinar)   SAFEW00010
Manual Handling, an Introduction - (Webinar)   SAFEW00009 SAFE00009
Manual Handling, Introduction   SAFE00009
Noise Awareness - E-Learning SAFEEL0018
Portable Appliances Testing   SAFE00029 SAFE00029
Radiation Protection for RPSs - Radioactive Closed Sources & Radiation Generators - online (webinar) SAFEW00038
Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) Closed Sources - Webinar SAFEW00036
Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) Open Sources - Part 1 -Webinar SAFEW00037
Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) Open Sources - Part 2 - Webinar   SAFEW00045
Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) X-ray SAFE00030
Radiation Protection Supervisors (RPS) Open Sources SAFE00037
Radiation Protection Supervisors (RPS) X-ray - online (Webinar) SAFEW00030
Radiation Protection Supervisors (RSP) Closed Sources SAFE00036
Radiation Safety for Laboratory Workers SAFE00011
Radiation Safety for Laboratory Workers (Webinar) SAFEW00011
Radiation Safety: Safe use of X-Ray generators, sealed sources & Accelerators SAFE00014
Radiation Safety: Safe use of X-ray generators, sealed sources & Accelerators - Webinar SAFEW00014
Radiation Update Session for RPS & SRPS SAFE00034
Radioactive (Class 7) Materials transport SAFE00035
Radioactive (Class 7) materials transport - (Webinar) SAFEW00035
Risk Assessment   SAFE00012
Risk Assessment Training - E-Learning   SAFEEL0005
Safe Use of Abrasive Wheels   SAFE00031
Slips, Trips and Falls - E-Learning   SAFEEL0012
Spill Kit (Chemicals & Oils) - E-Learning SAFEEL0006
Supervisors Responsibilities   SAFE00015
Supervisors Responsibilities - (E-Learning)   SAFEE00015
Waste Duty of Care - E-Learning SAFEEL0019
Working at Height SAFE00032