Changes to services from the Digital Capabilities Team 2024

We’ve updated our services to better meet the University’s changing digital needs. This article summarises a range of new activities launched this year and the activities that will stop from 1 August 2024. 

What's new? Our toolkit to help you build digital capability.

Check your digital fitness 💪 

Benchmark yourself against a framework developed especially for higher education including generative AI. You'll receive a detailed report pinpointing areas where you might like to focus your training. It's quick, free-to-use, and private. Take the Digital Capability Health Check. 

Review recommended digital capabilities for your role ✅ 

Compare your skills to downloadable role profiles for roles typically found in colleges and universities. These profiles, developed by Jisc, provide a holistic lens to review the capabilities you might need for your role. They are useful for reviewing skills individually or across teams. Learn more about these on the Jisc website. 

Explore our expanded live course offer 🐱‍🏍 

We've introduced 30 new courses this year covering a range of new topics, including AI and digital wellness. We've also partnered with the Competency Centres to bring you even more digitally transformative learning. Use our new resource finder to search course titles from multiple providers. 

New on-demand digital skills training 💻 

We listened to your feedback and revamped our free-to-access on-demand digital skills offer to better support you to develop the capabilities needed to thrive at Oxford. We intend to continually improve this service, so get in touch (email below) to tell us about your requirements or recommend great resources. Find out more about the new line-up. 

What's stopping on 1 August 2024? Why? 

We’re stopping three activities from 1 August 2024. If you used any of these in the last 12 months, we've already been in touch to let you know. 

Enterprise subscription to Microsoft LinkedIn Learning 

We're retiring Microsoft LinkedIn Learning from our on-demand offer at the end of July 2024.

We’re making this change in response to feedback to improve the quality and relevance of on-demand digital skills resources, better reflect the current digital skills needs of the University, and add flexibility to support Digital Transformation as the programme evolves. Find out more about what this means, and how to access up to 10 courses a month. 

(Other groups at the University indicated they are in contact with Microsoft LinkedIn Learning about continuing a subscription for non-digital skills-related training. This means it might reappear, but we haven't been able to find out how these conversations are progressing.)

Computer room hire at IT Services, 13 Banbury Road 

Our Thames Suite room hire service will stop on 1 August 2024. The service will continue to operate as usual until the close of business on 31 July 2024. If you have a confirmed booking after this date, we will honour it. 

We’re making this change because we’re being asked to redirect effort into building digital capabilities; demand and funding are radically different post-COVID, and changes to the facilities at Banbury Road mean that customers can get better value for money elsewhere. The Department for Continuing Education provides hireable computer training rooms (at both Ewert House and Rewley House). Visit their website for contact details. 

Self-service RapidMOOC at IT Services, 13 Banbury Road 

Our provision of a self-service RapidMOOC at IT Services, 13 Banbury Road will stop on 1 August 2024. The service will continue to operate as usual until the close of business on 31 July 2024. If you have a confirmed booking after this date, we will honour it. 

We’re making this change because the technology has evolved and demand has dropped. Users can easily create their own asynchronous learning materials by recording with Replay or PowerPoint Live. Explore Replay (Panopto) for capturing lectures and learn how to record presentations in PowerPoint Live.

If you'd like to get in touch, email us at