As well as providing a comfortable environment, facilities in the Thames Suite have been designed for easy access. Ramped access to Banbury Rd is available through a door to the right of the main entrance. The Thames Suite is on the ground floor and toilets are accessible to wheelchair users. Parking can be arranged for delegates with disabilities. For more information, please read our building access guide.
If you require any of these services, please let us know at the time that you book a course.
Other University Services
User self-assessment
All staff who use a computer in their daily work are encouraged to complete a Display Screen Equipment (DSE) User self-assessment. If staff experience any pain or discomfort in using a standard keyboard and mouse, they may find it helpful to try out alternatives. Guidance is available from the DSE assessor within their department or the Occupational Health Service.
Disabled staff are entitled to reasonable adjustments in the workplace, including the provision of assistive technology and software. Please contact the Occupational Health Service or Staff Disability Adviser.
Disability Advisory Service
The Disability Advisory Service (DAS) is part of Student Welfare and Support Services. They provide information, advice and guidance on the way in which a particular disability may potentially impact on a student’s experience at the University and can assist with organising disability-related study support.
This service now includes an Assessment Centre which assesses disabled student's study needs, including the provision of assistive software and technology.
Accessible Resources Acquisition and Creation Unit (ARACU)
The Accessible Resources Acquisition and Creation Unit service provides audio recordings of books and other material. There is also equipment at the New Bodleian Library to enable independent access to resources. These resources are available for any student with a disability including dyslexia.
Useful contacts
Occupational Health Service
Web Site:
Phone: 01865 (2)82676
Staff Disability Adviser
Web Site:
Phone: 01865 (2)80687
Information on the Web
There are a wide range of web sources dealing with disability issues. For example AbilityNet provides training about IT and disability and a range of downloadable factsheets.