Keep up to date using alerting services (Toolkit Activity)

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How do you keep up with current research when so much is being published? Alerting services send you notifications of new publications by email or by RSS feed. Using alerting services, you can get new research to come to you rather than you having to go out and find it.

There are numerous tools to help you keep up with new research. These include Table of Contents alerts, Saved Search alerts and Cited Article alerts. Try a task that shows you how alerts can help you keep track of new papers being published or cited in your field. 

In this task we will use JournalTOCs, a freely-available service providing access to recent tables of contents (TOCs) from over 17,750 scholarly journals. You can set up JournalTOCs to send new tables of contents to you by email or using RSS feeds.

You can try these tasks on your own, although they were designed to be done in a classroom with a teacher to support you.

For these tasks, you will need web browser software such as Mozilla Firefox installed on your computer. Talk to your IT support person about this.




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